Email Rentals
Your Margin of Victory! has teamed up with ActionNetwork to give you the margin of victory for your campaign.
Why rent
- We have the largest progressive Democratic email list by far – 10 million strong and growing!
- We’re strong in all 50 states and every downballot district
- We have the highest engagement of any list – our open rates are 20-40%
- Our list includes the majority of Democratic donors, volunteers, and activists so it’s perfect for every candidate, PAC, and advocacy group
- We’ll give you the margin of victory in a Democratic primary – we have the majority of Democratic primary voters
- We’ll give you the margin of victory in a general election – we have many lower-turnout Democratic voters whose votes are essential to winning
- We offer partner discounts for multiple campaigns and committees
- We offer deliverability consulting services to improve the performance of your own list
Interested? Contact us for more information.
Here’s how it works:

- Single Rental: $.05 per email sent with a minimum order of $500 (10,000 emails) – see example below
- Monthly Rental: $.04 per email sent for a package of 4 weekly blasts to full district list (billed in advance)
- additional blasts at $.05 per email sent subject to scheduling availability
- 3-Month Rental: $.03 per email sent for a package of 4 weekly blasts to full district list (billed in advance each month)
- additional blasts at $.04 per email sent subject to scheduling availability
Single Rental Example:
- We add 50,000 emails to your group
- We charge you $2,500
- You send 1 blast to your full list
About ActionNetwork:
- The leading progressive platform for email, petitions, and organizing
- Familiar to most digital organizers
- Organize people to take action online and offline
- Send mass email to recruit and mobilize new activists
- Engage activists with mobile messages
- Raise funds to fuel important work
- And much more!
Interested? Contact us for more information.